Neurotoxins work by blocking the signals that travel from the nerves to the muscles. This means that the muscles move only slightly, smoothing fine lines and wrinkes on your face.
Reducing and eliminating fine lines and wrinkles on the upper portion of the face.
15 mins - 30 mins
No post care needed! Can return to your regular activity. May have some minor brusing or redness.
Every 2-4 months depending on the person, type of product and amount of product used.
Forehead, crows feet & gallbella
Dermal Fillers
Cosmetic Injectable fillers are a non-invasive treatment that replaces lost volume in the patients face with small amounts of Hyaluronic Acid. This anti aging treatment provides long lasting results in the cheecks, lips, chin, under eyes, temples & jaw.
Injectable fillers add volume to areas that have lost volume over time, boosting sagging skin and reversing the signs of aging.
30 - 45mins
Potentially some swelling, redness and brusing that may last between 5-7 days.Apply ice as needed.
Treatments can last between 6-24 months depending on the product and location applied.
Lips, under eye, temples, chin & jaw, cheeks.
Sculptra is an injectable filler that contains a bicompatiable sustance called polly-L-lactic acid that stimulates collagues and replaces lost volume in the face.
This treatment is idea for those who have deep lines, creases or folds and are wanting to replace that loss volume
30 - 45 mins
Potentially some swelling, redness and brusing that may last between 5-7 days. Apply Ice as needed.
6-24 months
Usually used for lines in and around the month as well as cheeks.
Chemical Peels
Chemical peels can help improve the appearance of sun-damage, uneven skin tone, fine lines and wrinkles. They also help in reducing acne, minimizing dryness, oiliness, fine lines, pores, sun spots, melasma, and hyperpigmentation.
45-60 minutes
3-4 for best results
Entire face
AquaGold Facial
This treatment can treat fine lines, skin hydration, damged skin and can improve skin tone & texture. It can also minimize large pores and improve skin under the eyes.
30-45 mins
May experience some redness immediately after treatment.
3-4 weeks
Entire face, around the eyes & month as well as the decollete.
Miconeedling is an effective treatment for reducing the appearance of fine lines, acne scars as well as improving the skin’s texture, tone and color all by using the skin’s repair process in rejunating new, healthier skin.
Skin tightening, lifting and rejuvenation, improve acne scares, fine lines and wrinkles as well as minizing pore size, improving stretch marks and treating alopecia.
60 minutes
No post care needed. May experience some redness and tighteness in the skin.
Recommended to have a minimum of three treatments every 4-6 weeks.
Entire face.
Platelet Rich Plasma or PRP is used to stimulate healing and restoration using one’s own blood components. Platelets are extracted from your own blood and then injected into the treatment area(s).
The growth factors in the PRP are important for new cell generation and cellular functions, such as creating new collagen and elastic fibers. This treatment can be used to improve skin texture and colour as well as stimlate hair growth
60 mins
Might experience some redness and swelling for a few days.
4-6 weeks for optimal results
Entire face or certain spot areas.